Student view on attending this workshop as part of the Personality Development program included in the Digital Marketing training curriculum.
First of all, I would like to congratulate Sinai Global, Bangalore for conducting such a knowledgeable workshop & also Mr. Ranjan Jena, founder of eMarketEducation, Bangalore without whom I could not have attended this event. Also a lot of thanks to the wonderful speakers which included Mr. Aaron Watson, Mr. Dilip Abayasekara, Mr. Balraj Arunasalam & finally the wonderful Mr. Claudius Pereira, without whom the event would have been incomplete.
Truly speaking this was one of the best workshops for me to date I found was very informative and creative as per learning wise & also motivated me to share my experience. Being a newcomer to Digital Marketing Industry & attending the workshop really helped me to learn a lot of things from many perspectives of life.
There was always a question in my mind that so many people work in different Organizations but why do only few get the brand title “MANAGER”? What are the things they do differently? What are different qualities compared to others? And many more. So after attending this workshop, I almost got answers to all my queries regarding, What makes a Smart Manager different from others, which compelled worth sharing it with everyone.

The workshop started with the roaring voice of Mr. Claudius Pereira who explained very interesting facts about managerial skills & also points which people lack for not being a Smart Manager. Here are a few of them:
- Don’t Trust Management
- Poor Communication
- People not Empowered
- Politics
- Lack of Motivation
- No Time
- Vision not Clear
- Fear of Change
- Money Oriented
- Stay Aware Stay Smart
- Don’t be in the Middle be a Leader
- Meet new People
- Build from the Inner & Prepare for Out
- Belief can Change
- Come out of your comfort zone
After the wonderful speech of Mr. Claudius, it was Mr. Aaron Watson took on the stage. The most important quality about Mr. Watson, which I liked most, was his super cool attitude, which I think was really impressive. He described some real-time examples of, how certain things & qualities change a Manager into a Smart Manager. One of the best lines, which I liked, was that “A Smart Manager never gives excuses to his Boss & always thinks High to reach High.”
According to him, these were a few strong thought processes, which differentiate a Smart Manager from a Manager.
Check it out;
Middle Class (Managers) | World Class (Smart Managers) |
Compete |
Avoid Risk
Manage RiskLives in Delusion
Lives in ObjectiveLoves to be Comfortable
Comfortable being UncomfortableLottery Mentality
Abundance MentalityHunger for Security
Doesn’t Believe Security ExistsSacrifice growth for Safety
Sacrifices Security for GrowthOperate from fear & Scarcity
Operate from Love & AbundanceFocuses on Having
Focuses on BeingSee themselves as Victims
See themselves as responsible
After the informative speech by Mr. Watson, it was Mr. Balraj Arunasalam made his presence on the stage. He enlightened the audience with a wonderful topic that creates Smart Managers & that was called “Leadership Quality”. According to him without this quality, a Manager cannot succeed in his life. His speech presentation with the help of image slides was really exciting. These were some strong leadership qualities, which he described beautifully with examples:
- Motivation
- Think Big
- Earn Respect
- Identity
- Responsibility
- Vision & Mission
- Engage
By the time Mr. Balraj finished his speech it was almost lunchtime. So after completing the lunch, the second half began with the extraordinary speaker Mr. Dilip Abayasekara, who thrilled the audience with his DISC Analysis Theory. Since it was post lunch so Mr. Dilip thought that rather than making the audience feel lazy it would be better to energize with a team-oriented game which was really informative to know about.
The DISC Analysis Test explained by him was so thrilling that we didn’t get to know, how the time passed!
As explained by Mr. Dilip, DISC Analysis is a kind of test to know a Person’s character, & now big Organizations are implementing it as an interview theme to recruit candidates. DISC can be described as;
- D – Dominating
- I – Influence
- S – Steadiness
- C – Conscientiousness
After the DISC Analysis session, the organizers ended the workshop on a wonderful note & all the participants were given a certificate, a great way to cherish the moment!
So altogether the 50TH One day workshop on “The Smart Managers” was a big success in itself as a lot of people got to learn a lot from it & I personally thank & congratulate everyone associated with this workshop & request Sinai Global, Bangalore to continue this type of workshop in near future, to be benefited from this quality program, which happens very rare nowadays.